Monday, October 10, 2011

Ava at seven months

Ava just turned 7 months this week and I can not believe how fast time is flying! It feels like we were just finding out we were pregnant. Ava has become our entire world! Everything we do is for her. We could not love anything more than we love this little girl!

Ava is doing so much and has got the best personality! She is truly a funny girl and I think she knows it. :-)
Here are some of the things Ava is doing and loves:

- She is such a camera junkie! If she sees a camera or a phone she starts smiling and just loves the attention!
- She loves everyone, she might have a moment of only wanting her mommy but she quickly gets over that and reaches out to everyone for them to hold her. She is such a social bug! She will reach out to other babies and laugh and coo at them.
- She has started making faces, and let me tell you she is the cutest child ever! She makes this one face where she crunches up her eyes and grins so big you can see her gums and then she will start laughing.
- She has favorite toys now and actually will sit on her play mat and play alone for a little while.
- She loves being outside now that the weather has cooled off.
- She loves playing in her bath tub.
- She loves our pets.
- She loves sitting up and still doesn't care to be on her tummy.
- She is rolling all over (makes diaper time and getting dressed a ordeal) 
- She has started pulling up on things and loves to stand.
- She is saying "Ma ma"
- She thinks the world belongs in her mouth
- She loves her Daddy to sing to her 

Along with her growing personality she also has a list of things she doesn't like.

- she doesn't like nap time or bed time and fights it until she is too sleepy to fight.
- she does not like to be put into her car seat and will fuss about it.
- she does not like for Mommy to go ANYWHERE that is not with Ava.
- she doesn't like any of her veggie baby food to be cold she will only eat it warm.
- she does not like getting dressed or undressed.

I love being a SAHM and getting to spend every second with this wonderful child! 

Ava sleeping....

Ava 7 months old

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